
Monday, April 15, 2013

Winners and a new giveaway!

The winners of last week's blog contest were Laura Hoopes and Mary Marino-Strong. Laura won a signed ARC of Every Broken Trust, and Mary won a signed copy of Feeding Kate, a mystery anthology in which I have a short story. You both have an email from me, asking for your mailing addresses in your inboxes.

This week, I'm starting a new giveaway for ARCs, other books, and some small pieces of original art. So any comments on blog posts this week will be eligible for these.

And I've got a post up on Writers Who Kill today about the way characters and events become real to readers and how that affects our brains.

Second bit of news--after a weekend symposium of The Native Presence in Kansas Literature, I came home to find the first actual copy of the hardcover Every Broken Trust. It's even more beautiful than the cover image, but I can't take a photo of it because my new Android phone needs a memory card before it can take pictures. *sigh* So I'll give you the cover image again. Just know it's even more gorgeous in actuality!

Come visit me at Writers Who Kill. Leave a comment here with your email address, and you'll be entered for this week's giveaway. Have a grand week!


  1. I like the covers of the books -- nice farmland with a horse.


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, David. The artist for this and the first book created a font that was inspired by the Cherokee syllabary. I'm very happy with my covers.

  3. Thank, Michelle. I'm glad you like the cover. We put the police car in the picture to provide a little tension with the pastoral scene.

  4. Thanks for the book, Linda - I'm excited to win it and look forward to reading it - and looking forward to the 2nd in the 'Skeet series'.
